Hello friends,

I’m so excited to share my first book of poems “What an Island Knows” tracing twenty years on an island in Maine, exploring deeper universal (and Quaker) themes of family, community, spirituality, peace and justice, and the healing powers of rest and nature.

Former Maine poet laureate Betsy Sholl has written the Foreword, with kind endorsements from former VT Poet Laureate Sydney Lea, Nadia Colburn, Deborah Leipziger, Gary Rainford, Barrie Shepherd, Andrew Phillips Grannell, and Donna Miller Damon.

I hope you’ll order here from acclaimed Maine publisher Shanti Arts.  Also available on Bookshop.org and Amazon or by reaching out to me.

Click here for flyer.

I’m available for readings and events, solo or preferably with others, and welcome any reviews or Amazon reviews. Invitations to my upcoming Book Launch Celebration on Sunday afternoon, September 15 at FMC and at New England Yearly Meeting sessions in August are coming!

Peace and many thanks to you all,

Alex Kern