New Story Group (Zoom)
New Story Group (Zoom)
The New Story Group (Zoom) The FMC New Story meets on Zoom from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the fourth Monday of the
The New Story Group (Zoom) The FMC New Story meets on Zoom from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the fourth Monday of the
Climate Action Meeting (Open Zoom) Please drop-in occasionally or join our group regularly each 4th Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 pm, followed by time
Newcomers & Seekers (Open Zoom) Join us for an evening virtual gathering with long-time Friends from our community as well as others
Friends in New England have embarked on a year-long consultation and discernment process to re-envision our annual Sessions. Through dialogue, reflection, and
At our March 3rd gathering, we will continue reading Waging Peace: Discipline and Practice by Pamela Haines, Pendle Hill Pamphlet # 420. Bring your
Remember to set your clock FORWARD one hour to arrive on time for meetings today.
To participate using Zoom click this link or provide the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652 (if requested) on,
Meeting for Worship Outside Raytheon (Off-Site) Third Sunday of each month, 10:45am – 11:45am In witness to the Quaker Peace Testimony, Friends
You are invited to attend this evening meeting for worship in the parlor before the Young Adult Friends (18-35ish) monthly on-site potluck.
All those 18-35ish are invited to this potluck dinner at FMC. Bring food to share if you'd like, but please join us
At our March 17th gathering, we will continue reading Waging Peace: Discipline and Practice by Pamela Haines, Pendle Hill Pamphlet # 420. Bring your
Please drop-in occasionally or join our group regularly from 6:30-7:30 pm, followed by time for fellowship and conversation.Our goal is to educate
Come at 5pm and join us for socializing and pizza in the Friends Room at this all-ages event. Hybrid presentations start at
At the rise of Meeting during refreshments come enjoy some delicious cake and welcome back Lauren Mawe (FMC’s Staff and Administrative Manager)
TylaAnn Burger, Treasurer, invites all to a fun, and serious, opportunity to learn about FMC finances, hear what Friends have most wanted
Prison Fellowship (Zoom) Those currently involved in prison work and criminal justice reform and those who are interested in learning more are
JJoin us for an evening virtual gathering with long-time Friends from our community as well as others newer to the meeting who
The retreat registration deadline has passed and the retreat is full but please send an email to Sandy Sweetnam/Jan Nisenbaum at
“God alone is able to strengthen us to dig deep, to remove all which lies between us and the safe foundation…” OVERVIEW
The New Story Group (Zoom)The FMC New Story meets on Zoom from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the FIFTH Monday in March. Come