Forums are informal devotional discussions, usually with a leader and about a particular topic. They are hybrid events: you can participate either in person or Zoom. Except as noted forums are held in the Parlor. Forums are designed to help those who attend prepare for meeting for worship. All are welcome; forums provide good opportunities for new members, attenders, and visitors to learn more about our Meeting and what issues are of concern to the Meeting, and to get to know other individuals in the Meeting.

Participants will have the option to meet in the Parlor (with masks) or on Zoom. Forum presenters may choose to be maskless, either at their request or the request of attenders who can hear better that way.

Schedule for April

  • April 7: “Deepening Spirituality through Prison Fellowship” with Jim Hannon and Tom Ash
  • April 14: “A Query from Ghanda” Dan Fitzmartin will present a video that he made under the direction and close oversight of Ghanda diFiglia
  • April 21: “Unique transformation of street children through love, meditation, and kindness.” presented by Andrew Johnson Rafael in collaboration with Dov Arond
  • April 28: Worship Sharing on Deepening our Individual Spirituality

Schedule for May

  • May 5: “The State of Society: Putting the Pieces Together” with Betsy Roper

To participate on site, please observe FMC’s Community guidelines.

To participate on Zoom, click here or provide the Meeting ID 873 2175 9327 and passcode 537370 (if requested) on Zoom.com, the Zoom app, or after calling 1-646-558-8656.