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A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

Pastoral Care Team (Zoom)

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Event Series Event Series: Pastoral Care Team (Zoom)

Pastoral Care Team Meeting (Zoom)

Our FMC Pastoral Care Team provides the following types of care and support to individuals within our community:

  1. a Friendly visit to someone’s home or a visit to someone in a hospital or nursing home;
  2. accompaniment to a medical appointment;
  3. preparing and/or delivering meals;
  4. a conversation to assist in determining the need for a Support or a Clearness Committee;
  5. a supportive visit and listening presence during a challenging life experience; and
  6. sending cards on behalf of FMC.

If you, or someone you know within our FMC community, might benefit from one of these care and support activities, please let us know. You may reach the program by emailing your request to Jan Nisenbaum / Lili Schwan-Rosenwald at

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