Hiroshima Day Commemoration (Friends Room / Open Zoom)

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Hiroshima Day Commemoration (Friends Room / Open Zoom)

For the last 15 years we have commemorated the atomic bombing of Hiroshima with a community reading of Thomas Merton’s “Original Child Bomb.” We then walk to the Charles River to float origami peace cranes with our wishes for nuclear disarmament and life-saving common sense.

This year we’re trying something different. We have found a recording of Merton’s meditation being read. We’ll play this 27-minute recording with closed captioning in the Friends Room and on Open Zoom at 6:00pm followed by a period of personal sharing.

After that, those on-site will then proceed as usual to the river but that part of the event will not be on Open Zoom.

To participate using Open Zoom click this link or provide the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652 (if requested) on Zoom.com, the Zoom app, or after calling # 1-646-558-8656 .

This event is open to the public and will be advertised on various peace movement sites.

The Pentagon has earmarked a trillion dollars over the next 30 years to develop three more generations of nuclear weapons, and this year the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have set the “doomsday clock” to 90 seconds before midnight. Please share this meditation and witness for a future uncursed by nuclear weapons and the grief they bring. Read more here.

Contact John Bach at bolder@fmcquaker.org

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