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A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

Conversation with Louise Dunlap about her book:

Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind (Zoom)

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Author Louise Dunlap is an experienced teacher and activist who has worked in peace and justice issues in New England and California. Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind is an exploration of her own story and understanding of the impact of settler colonialism in Massachusetts (Wampanoag land) as well as for Napa California (Ohlone land) on both the Native peoples and colonial settlers. You are welcome to attend even if you haven’t read the book. Sponsored by Mass Peace Action and co-sponsored by FMC’s Peace & Social Justice and Friends for Racial Justice (FORJ) committees, as well as eight other local organizations. Registration is required (click button below). Contact Suzanne Cooper at

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