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A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

Quaker Eldering Practice Group (Zoom)

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Event Series Event Series: Quaker Eldering Practice Group (Zoom)

At our February 17th gathering, we will continue reading Waging Peace: Discipline and Practice by Pamela Haines, Pendle Hill Pamphlet # 420. Bring your own copy or share with others on the screen. The pamphlet can be purchased here. It is our practice to read a selection of the text aloud and pause for reflection. This is a great opportunity to join a small group for wide-ranging discussions of Quaker basics. You are most welcome to join us.

We are a read-aloud and discussion “small group” about the practice of Quaker eldering that typically meets on 1st and 3rd Mondays on Zoom from 7:00-8:30 pm. Visitors are always welcome.

I have come to understand the process of eldering as discernment of the spiritual condition of each of the members of the faith community as revealed by their vocal ministry and other signs. An elder’s goal is not the correction of a person’s behavior but an improvement of their spiritual direction and health. —Lloyd Lee Wilson, Friendship Friends Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina. Memoir, 235.

To participate, click this link or provide the meeting ID 890 9875 0878 and passcode 732166 (if requested) on, the Zoom app, or after calling 1-646-558-8656.

Contact Sarah Allen / Cornelia Parkes at

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