Friends Meeting at Cambridge Logo

A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

First Day School (On-Site)

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Event Series Event Series: First Day School (On-Site)

Friends Meeting at Cambridge offers lively, interactive, in-person First Day School (FDS) classes for children on Sunday mornings.

For the first fifteen minutes, children are encouraged to attend 10:30’s Meeting for Worship with their families in the Meetinghouse. At 10:45, children follow the First Day School banner to their classrooms, located in the adjacent Friends Center. Childcare for children ages three and under is available in our Nursery, also located in the Friends Center. Regular attendance is encouraged but all are welcome.

There are no First Day School classes on the first Sunday of the month when families of all ages attend Family Worship in the Friends Center at 10:30am.

For more information, contact Zoe Zurad at

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