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A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

NEYM Sessions Visioning Conversation (Open Zoom)

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Friends in New England have embarked on a year-long consultation and discernment process to re-envision our annual Sessions. Through dialogue, reflection, and worship we hope to re-align and “right size” Sessions to reflect current needs and resources. Many meetings and quarters across New England are taking this opportunity to reflect on the heart of our relationship as Friends in New England as well as the particular role of corporate discernment in the lives of Friends.

The Sessions Visioning Guide for Listening Groups is now available to download here. This packet includes the background information we hope all participants in Sessions Visioning groups can review in advance of the conversation.

To participate using Zoom, click this link or provide the meeting ID 783 475 1861 and passcode 1652 (if requested) on, the Zoom app, or after calling 1-646-558-8656. Contact Virginia Swain and Lizzie Krontiras at

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