Ubiquitous and challenging, high-stress levels can negatively affect our health and well-being in many ways including increased levels of anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, exacerbation of pain, decreased mental clarity and emotional dysregulation.
Join us for an afternoon of restorative acupuncture for stress relief and systemic balance. FMC attender Scott Cedeño, Licensed Acupuncturist, will offer free ear acupuncture treatments from 12:30pm-2:00pm. We have a limited number of slots available and registration beforehand is strongly recommended. Register here or contact Holly Lapp at fellowship@fmcquaker.org to register. Drop-ins will be permitted only if there are openings in the schedule.
Each treatment will last approximately 25 minutes, with acupuncture needles placed in the ear. Each person receiving treatment will have to sign a consent form (available onsite and upon request). Light refreshments will be served.
Questions about the procedure: Contact Scott directly at scott@scottcedeno.com
Questions about event logistics: Contact Holly Lapp at fellowship@fmcquaker.org
Sponsored by Fellowship & Outreach Committee