Now that the Potluck Spring Art show is hung in the Friends Room, Exhibits Committee is seeking relatively short ekphrastic poetry responses to individual works of art. Ideally this is poetry that is inspired by that work of art and is a direct response to it. Although not intended as a guide to your response, you might find Anne Sexton’s ekphrastic poem, The Starry Night to be inspiring. It is in response to Vincent Van Gogh’s well-known painting, The Starry Night.
The Exhibits Committee asks that you leave it to us to curate the placement of poetry on the walls using our special putty. Tape and aggressive adhesives can scar our newly painted walls. You can give the poetry to one of us on the Exhibits Committee or send it to Sending it to our email address is the preferred way of getting it to us. We will then print it out on heavy stock and affix it to the walls. The deadline for getting the poetic responses to us is 6pm on Saturday March 22nd. The plan is for the Exhibits Committee members to place poetry on the walls on the following Sundays March 9th, March 16th and March 23rd.
If you aren’t able to make it to the Friends Room to see the original images or want to contemplate images as you consider making a poetic response, send an email to so we can possibly make that happen through sending you 22 images totaling 18 megabytes.
The reception for this art & poetry show will take place on Sunday, April 20 from 12:15-1:00pm. Refreshments will be served and some of the artists will be available to talk about their art and poetry submissions.
This show is sponsored by the Exhibits Committee and poetic responses are welcomed from any member/attender in the Meeting community. Please feel free to contact: George Campbell, Mary Coelho, Marion Foster, Kent Lydecker, SaraSue Pennell, Brian Stevens, or Richard Wood with any questions that you might have at