Women’s Silent Retreat (Off Site in Hingham, MA)

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Women’s Silent Retreat (Off Site in Hingham, MA)

Friday, October 11, 2024 – Monday, October 14, 2024

Registration closes when filled or at 5pm on Sunday, September 29.  All who identify as women or non-binary are welcome.

We will gather at Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, MA for three days of reflection and fellowship. We begin Friday evening with an opening circle, where each of us shares what we are bringing to the retreat, spiritually, emotionally, materially, whatever. Then we go into worship and are silent until the end of worship on Monday morning, when we have closing circle, to speak of what transpired for us during the retreat. In between we have worship, we eat together in silence, we smile at each other and laugh, pass each other in the hall, or the kitchen. We sit and read in the library, go for walks, sit in our own rooms to meditate or journal or read or knit, hatever. There is warm fellowship even though we are not speaking. I hope you can come.

The actual cost per person is $345, but there is flexibility based on need and generosity. It includes three nights and nine meals. There is carpooling. Participation is limited to fifteen on a first-come, first-served basis, though we reserve spaces for new folks. Priority is given to those who come for three days and those who are part of our community.

You may sign up by email but must return your registration and check promptly to save your space. Click here for the registration form. Click here for the program/schedule for the weekend.

Contact Sandy Sweetnam at womens-retreat@fmcquaker.org

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