Please join us for forum every fourth Sunday, when we will explore the Quaker Spiritual Journey through Marcelle Martin’s book, Our Life is Love. One Sunday a month, for ten months, we will take up one of the ten elements of this journey we’re on together by sharing our stories with each other and responding to the queries that Marcelle raises up. This is an opportunity to deepen our connections to one another and to our Quaker heritage.
What is the book about? Marcelle Martin uses the words of many early Friends and contemporary Friends to explore each of ten elements of the Quaker Spiritual Journey. Each section ends with a set of queries that we can use to explore our own experiences. She also shares the ways in which she has experienced these elements in her own life.
Do I have to read the book? No! The queries that we’ll be exploring in each forum are evocative on their own, and the lives of our fellow community members are fascinating. All are welcome – whether or not you’ve done your “homework.”
Can I drop in, or do I have to commit to the whole series? Please come to as many forums in this series as you are able to. While we hope that the experience has a cumulative effect, each forum should be able to stand on its own as a time of powerful sharing.
How can I get a book? You have two choices:
- Order a hard cover, paperback, or eBook from Inner Light Books. A paperback is $17.50 plus shipping and handling.
- Borrow a book from the Meeting library. There are at least two to lend.
What are the dates and topics for the whole series so I can mark them on my calendar? I’m so glad you asked!
- 9/30: Longing
- 10/28: Seeking
- 11/25: Turning Within
- 12/23: Openings
- 1/27: The Refiner’s Fire
- 2/24: Community
- 3/24: Leadings
- 4/28: The Cross
- 5/26: Abiding
- 6/23: Perfection