Dear community,

I am writing on behalf of the Nominating Committee to see if you—yes, you—might be interested in serving on the Gardening and Landscaping or Library Committees. The Gardening and Landscaping Committee is particularly interested in folks interested in gardening, and the Library Committee is particularly interested in folks with any library-related skills or background.

Here are descriptions of the committees:

  • The Gardening Committee oversees the design and maintenance of the grounds surrounding the Meeting House and Friends Center. Work by the committee is supplemented by other volunteers and professional services are sometimes engaged. Through its work, the committee hopes to emphasize enjoyment of nature and conservation of natural resources. With Trustees, the committee schedules a couple of ‘work days’ during the year, to involve the whole Meeting in weeding, raking, mulching, composting and other important landscape maintenance activities. It hopes to encourage people, of all ages and abilities, to join us outside and experience the spiritual aspects of working the land.
  • The Library Committee develops and maintains the Meeting’s Library of materials on Quakers, Quaker history, Quaker faith and practice, and related subjects. The Library Committee works to provide an inviting and organized space for browsing and selecting materials. It acquires books, pamphlets, and audiovisual materials in keeping with the Library’s collection policy, and maintains subscriptions to Quaker periodicals such as Pendle Hill Pamphlets and Friends Journal. The Library Committee catalogues and processes new acquisitions, oversees circulation of materials, makes minor repairs, and makes de-accession decisions. The Library Committee also seeks to encourage Meeting members and attenders to make use of library materials.

Folks should feel free to reach out to Betsy Hewitt at to learn more about the Gardening and Landscaping Committee or to Alasdair Post-Quinn at to learn more about the Library Committee. And please let me know directly by replying off the list if you are interested in either one.

Chaz Kelsh