
Your meeting treasurer TylaAnn Burger and several committees are seeking input from you, YES YOU!  Friends Meeting at Cambridge is both a simple and complex organization and community. We have many resources, both financial and people, and many responsibilities.

Now, while we have have no urgent issues about our finances, the treasurer and others would like to know, what you want to know about our finances and other resources. We also want to know what you think about some areas where we may consider new or changing practices.

The link below will take you to some questions. We want input from as many people as possible. Please give us your answers and comments whether your consider yourself interested in finances, or not; regardless of your age and years in the Meeting; whether you attend weekly or monthly; and whether you have children (of any age) involved in meeting activities or not. In other words, everyone please give us your input!!!!!!!

It would be helpful to receive your answers by March 20th, but we will take them whenever you can answer. If you have any questions, please send them to TylaAnn Burger