Virginia Swain would like us to know…

  • I am on a succession planning journey to bequeath the leading I have held for more than 30 years to Friends. I want to thank FMC to be found clear for my leading to bring Reconciliation Leadership to the United Nations in 1996 and gratefully back to Quakers in 2022. Everything I do is dedicated with gratitude to my f/Friend and elder, the late Ian Harrington who supported Reconciliation Leadership since the 90s.
  • The NEYM Legacy Futures Grant was awarded to me on 12/23/23 to fund the transition of the UN program I developed to train Quaker Reconciliation Leaders (RL). The program is designed to stabilize and empower Meetings to develop leaders who are led and cleared to develop reconciliation tools, techniques, assumptions, and perspectives to heal historic and current challenges. RLs are potential elders in Monthly and Yearly Meetings willing to offer wisdom, emotional balance, and inner peace in troubled times.
  • Presentation on NEYM Discernment Day on March 15: Imaging is a discernment process where it’s possible to “see” a solution to a challenge by accessing the imagination through Loving Presence.
  • The syllabus of the Reconciliation Leadership program with supervision from NEYM and funding from the Legacy Witness Fund to transition Reconciliation Leadership from the United Nations to Friends.  The syllabus can be found here.
  • Pendle Hill Pamphlets Committee has invited me to write a pamphlet manuscript on how Reconciliation Leadership perspectives and methodology can help Friend through the current national and global crisis.
  • I lead America’s Soul Community to introduce Reconciliation Leadership using elder Elise Boulding’s Imaging: First monthly Wednesdays, 11:30-:1:00. Donations at GoFundMe.
  • Initiated Trust/Worcester 2024: On hold due to Department of Justice Indictment of Worcester Police and City Government sponsored by FMC Peace and Social Justice
  • Appointed Consultant, Quaker Connect program of Friends World Committee of World Consultation to bring new life to Meetings through deeper connection. During its inaugural meeting on 1/20 she presented. Imaging Healthy Meetings: Healing Systemic Conflict and Building Trusting Relationships.
  • Invited by Earlham School of Religion Quaker Leadership Center to introduce Reconciliation Leadership with singer-songwriter Friend Paulette Meier in September 2025.