“You will say, Christ saith this, and the apostles say this: but what canst thou say? Art thou a child of Light and hast thou walked in the Light, and what thou speakest, is it inwardly from God?” — George Fox
A collection of Spirit-led writings by members of the FMC community.
Jim Hannon posted a reflection on the website Medium.com and on the Facebook page of Three Rivers Affinity Groups, a social/political action group he’s involved with in Acton, Concord and surrounding towns. His essay is entitled: This Memorial Day—Resist Honoring War.
Published in the Summer 2018 Newsletter
Last July, Greg Woods, Youth and Education Minister at FMC, gave a talk to Lake Erie Yearly Meeting, a regional body of liberal unprogrammed Quakers in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It is entitled Reviving Quakerism in the New Millenim.
Published in the Summer 2018 Newsletter
On Saturday, April 21, Cornelia Parkes and John Calvi, released Friend from Putney (VT) Monthly Meeting, gave a workshop on “Care for the Caregiver: Healing for Body, Mind, and Spirit” at Westport (MA) Monthly Meeting, as an offering of pastoral care by New England Yearly Meeting Ministry and Counsel. Cornelia wrote “Reflections on War, Peace, and Healing” about her experience in preparing for the workshop.
Published in the Summer 2018 Newsletter
“Like Water for Fish” by Patricia Wild.
Patricia Wild’s full-time writing career began in 1998 when her novel, Swimming In It, was published by Flower Valley Press, Gaithersburg, MD. For many years, she had taught adult learners at the Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experiences; Swimming In it is based on the stories her homeless students had told her. A bi-monthly columnist for The Somerville Journal for ten years, she recently completed a novel based on Mary Magdalen’s story, Welling Up, and a two-act play, “Those Starving Armenians.” Her short stories have appeared in Wilderness House Literary Review, Out of the Blue Writers Unite: An Anthology and Peeks and Valleys: A New England Fiction Journal. Her poetry has been published in P&Q Press and the Ibbetson Street Press. (from http://patriciawild.net/about/)
“Like Water for Fish” published here, Summer 2018