Guided Meditation for Relaxation
Jessica Ronalds, a member on the Pastoral Care Team, has graciously invited anyone interested to participate in a time of Guided
Jessica Ronalds, a member on the Pastoral Care Team, has graciously invited anyone interested to participate in a time of Guided
The Material Aid and Advocacy Program (MAAP) Tag Sale will take place at FMC on Friday, November 15, (5:30pm) and Saturday, November
The Material Aid and Advocacy Program (MAAP) Tag Sale will take place at FMC on Friday, November 15, (5:30pm) and Saturday, November
SciFi-Fantasy Reading Aloud (Zoom) Did you know ... some Quakers love science fiction and fantasy? Did you know reading aloud is fun
WORSHIP CENTERED DISCUSSION (Parlor / Zoom) Click here to see forum titles. Participants will have the option to meet in the Parlor
Friends Meeting at Cambridge (FMC) offers hybrid meetings for worship on site and on Zoom. If this is your first time attending
Friends Meeting at Cambridge offers lively, interactive, in-person First Day School (FDS) classes for children on Sunday mornings. For the first
Meeting for Worship Outside Raytheon (Off-Site) Third Sunday of each month, 10:45am – 11:45am In witness to the Quaker Peace Testimony, Friends
Fellowship with Refreshments (On Site) Stay and enjoy simple refreshments and conversation either in the Friends Room or Library (mask optional)
Afterthoughts (Parlor/Zoom) Afterthoughts is a time for sharing after Meeting for Worship. You may wish to share a ministry that did
Please join us for an opportunity to share about our experiences of Quaker worship and our concerns and curiosity about our current
You are invited to attend this evening meeting for worship in the parlor before the Young Adult Friends (18-35ish) monthly on-site potluck.
All those 18-35ish are invited to this potluck dinner at FMC. Bring food to share if you'd like, but please join us
Blue Sky Group Meeting (Parlor/Zoom ) Contact Jennifer Hogue at
HEAlthy Reopening Team (HEART) (Zoom) Email Tom Sander at for meeting information.
You are invited to join a read aloud book group meeting on Zoom on first and third Mondays from 7:00 to
Email Cynthia Knowles at for meeting information.
Prayer Circle (Zoom) We welcome anyone who needs prayers or who is moved to pray for others. To submit a prayer request
Disability & Accessibility Awareness & Coordination Group (Zoom) Email Ariel Maddocks at for meeting information.
If you're curious about how M&C carries out its business, this is a great opportunity to learn more! We will have