For some of us this might be our “Winter of Discontent.” In the face of adversity and these difficult times, we might be thankful for the enduring strength of our faith. Artistic expression and creativity can be a healing balm as we courageously face uncertainty. The theme doesn’t have to be taken literally but can serve as a starting point or springboard. What might give meaning or purpose to each of us individually and to the Meeting community as a whole?

Choice of media is at the artist’s discretion. The show is sponsored by the Exhibits Committee and open to any member/attender of the Meeting community.  All submitted work should be ready to hang. We try to accommodate at least two submissions per person and more if space allows.

Please feel free to contact: George Campbell, Mary Coelho, Marion Foster, Kent Lydecker, SaraSue Pennell, Brian Stevens, or Richard Wood with any questions that you might have or email