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Brother Outsider: The life of Bayard Rustin (Off Site)

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Brother Outsider: The life of Bayard Rustin (Off Site)

Brother Outsider, is a documentary recounting the life of Bayard Rustin, the Quaker African-American civil rights activist in the 1950-1970s showing activism for racial equality, gay rights, socialist issues. This portrayal of Bayard Rustin combines rare archival footage with provocative interviews. The film shows stunning real-footage of the March on Washington and compliments the popular 2023 film, Rustin. See more uses of the film here.

Click here for a review of the 2023 film Rustin.

The documentary will be shown in two locales. Debby Colgan in Newton and Minga/Jonathan in Cambridge open their homes to community to come see the event. Advance notice helpful (not required). For directions contact Minga Claggett-Borne at

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