Friends Meeting at Cambridge Logo

A Gateway to Quakerism in New England

Community Retreat

(Off-Site at Woolman Hill in Deerfield, MA)

Listing Meeting events ONLY, not outside group events.
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The retreat registration deadline has passed and the retreat is full but please send an email to Sandy Sweetnam/Jan Nisenbaum at if you wish to be added to the wait list.

Please join us on March 28-30th at the Woolman Hill (Deerfield, MA) to explore Building Hope and Resilience. This retreat is being sponsored by Ministry & Counsel and will take place at Woolman Hill (a Quaker retreat center about a 2-hour drive from FMC). There will be both intergenerational activities and a program for children. Families are encouraged to come!

Come for reflection, fellowship, and fun.

Click this link (or scroll down and click the flyer image) for much more information including the registration form, discussion topics, and details about the various housing options that are available at Woolman Hill. Paper copies are available in the foyer of the Meetinghouse and also in the Friends Center.

Register as soon as possible to insure a spot. There will be a wait-list maintained as well (if needed). We’ll try to arrange car pooling and will be looking for volunteer drivers. Registration closes no later than March 16 (or when full) and payment is due by March 16.

Return your registration form with payment by dropping it off at the FMC Office in the locked mail slot in the door or by mailing it to: Friends Meeting at Cambridge, 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA 02138. Cost for lodging and six meals: $200 per adult with some scholarship monies available. With gratitude to an anonymous Friend, children are free.

Questions? Contact Sandy Sweetnam/Jan Nisenbaum at

Click images below to view/download the flyer or to print the registration form

Retreat Reg Form

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