Childcare (On site)

Listing Meeting events ONLY, not outside group events.

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Event Series Event Series: Childcare (On site)


We have a childcare team of at least two staff and/or volunteers available to care for your children from 10:15 am– 12:45 pm each Sunday. We have games, stories, projects, snacks, and all manner of FUN.

Weather permitting, often we spend part of the time outside. Please put sunscreen on your children BEFORE leaving them in our care, and pack water bottles, and weather-appropriate clothing. If you have specific snacks you want your children to eat, please let us know and pack that too.

Starting at 10:15 am, you may bring your children to the First Day School area on the lower level of the Friends Center. However, you may also choose to bring your children into worship with you for the first 15 minutes. One of the members of our childcare team will come into the Meetinghouse at 10:45 am to gather children that are ready to join the childcare group.

You are free to drop off and pick up your children anytime. As always, parents are welcome to join us or go to the Meetinghouse and Friends Center for adult programming.
Contact Jeremiah Sutherland-Roberts at

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