Climate Crisis Discussion (Zoom)

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Event Series Event Series: Climate Crisis Discussion (Zoom)

Climate Crisis Discussion (Zoom)

Join one or more of the upcoming conversations about what we can do as a Meeting or as individuals to address our concerns about the climate crisis.  The two upcoming conversations are scheduled on Zoom for Wednesday, September 6 from 6-7 pm and Tuesday, September 12 from noon-1 pm.  We are meeting at different times in hopes of being inclusive of anyone who wants to join.

Many of us are concerned about the likelihood, inevitability, or already unfolding of environmental and societal collapse, as climate change continues to spin out of control. Joanna Macy has written, “Ecological catastrophe is likely and human extinction is possible… There is something vitalizing about speaking the truth. Failure to speak the truth reinforces a major affliction of our times: a generalized deadening of feeling and psychic numbing…..(which) leads to an impairment of cognitive capacities.”

To participate, click this link or provide the meeting ID 783 475 1861 and passcode 1652 (if requested) on, the Zoom app, or after calling 1-646-558-8656.

Email Sarah Allen at for event information.

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