14th Annual All-Meeting Meeting for Worship near Raytheon (In Person, Off-Site / Open Zoom)

Listing Meeting events ONLY, not outside group events.

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All-Meeting Meeting for Worship at Raytheon – Sunday, October 15, 10:45-11:45am outside at 10 Moulton Street on Concord Avenue opposite Neville Manor.

To live out our peace testimony and support those for whom this is a monthly ministry, Friends Meeting at Cambridge worship will be held at Raytheon and on Zoom . Raytheon is the country‘s largest producer of guided missiles which also designs and develops nuclear weapons. Friends are encouraged to join us for worship outside Raytheon to bring attention to the company’s products.

For the last 14 years, some Quakers of Friends Meeting at Cambridge have conducted a Meeting for Worship in front of a local major war profiteer, for the past five years outside the Raytheon-BBN lab in Cambridge. This lab researches acoustics, computer design and network connectivity with military applications. Raytheon has made obscene profits from the sale of weapons of mass destruction, most notably recently for the wars in Yemen, Ukraine, and Gaza. We stress that this is not a demonstration or protest or politicizing our spirituality, but rather bringing our “Faith and Practice” and Light to a place associated with such work. Friends gather on the sidewalks along Concord Avenue, displaying signs that read “Quakers Praying for Peace”, “Raytheon Thrives on War”, and “Humanity Thrives on Peace” and a banner that reads “Quakers Standing for Universal Justice and Enduring Peace”.

For this week’s Forum beginning at 9:15am in the Parlor at Longfellow Park and on Zoom, John Bach will lead worship sharing on “The Spirituality of the Monthly Meeting for Worship Outside Raytheon.” To participate using Zoom click this link or provide the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652 (if requested) on Zoom.com, the Zoom app, or after calling # 1-646-558-8656 .

Those who cannot or choose not to go to Raytheon may join and support us by worshiping on Zoom, with a hybrid Livestream connection. The Meeting on Zoom will start at 10:30am, with the worshipers at Raytheon joining at 10:45am. The Meeting will close at 11:45am.

Parking spaces are available along Moulton Street. Maps from FMC to Raytheon will be available and carpools to Raytheon will leave from 5 Longfellow Park after Forum between 10:15 and 10:30. Bring a folding chair if you are able. Warm clothing is always a good idea on cold and/or windy days. Hats and sunscreen provide protection from the sun on both sunny and overcast days. Bring a raincoat and/or umbrella if rain is in the forecast. Masks are optional.

Families are encouraged to come. There will be a space and a program for children. There will be no First Day School or childcare at Longfellow Park.

There will be fellowship and refreshments at the rise of meeting outside Raytheon.

Afterthoughts will be held on Zoom only on October 15. To participate using Zoom, click this link or provide the meeting ID 873 2175 9327 and passcode 537370 (if requested) on Zoom.com, the Zoom app, or after calling 1-646-558-8656.

There will be no activities at 5 Longfellow Park after Forum.
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This is a chance to act together as a loving and joyful community to bring our testimonies out into the world. Please contact Sandy Sweetnam at Ministry@FMCQuaker.org or Michael Carey or Ian Harrington at Peace@FMCQuaker.org for further information.
Ministry and Counsel
Peace and Social Justice Committee

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