What opportunities can we find in our diversity of worship experiences? (Friends Room / Open Zoom)

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What opportunities can we find in our diversity of worship experiences? (Friends Room / Open Zoom)
Exploring Meeting for Worship: Sharing Our Experiences

We come to Meeting for Worship for a variety of individual reasons, but our worship is collective. We yearn for time to share about the ways our expectations and experiences contribute to this mystery that we participate in together. These workshops offer an opportunity to experience what our weekly Meeting for Worship means both to ourselves and others in our community. The Adult Spiritual Education Group is excited to explore this topic with all of you – seasoned FMC community members and newcomers. Come to connect (or reconnect) with one another AND with what draws you to the silence. Bring your questions, trepidations, and concerns.

To participate using Zoom click this link or provide the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652 (if requested) on Zoom.com, the Zoom app, or after calling # 1-646-558-8656 .

Simple Lunch will precede the workshop. Contact Adult Spiritual Education Group at spiritualed@fmcquaker.org

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