Welcome to Meeting for Worship at Friends Meeting at Cambridge!

If this is your first time attending Meeting for Worship at FMC please read about Quaker worship, what to expect, and community guidelines.

Those worshipping with us on Sunday morning have the option to meet in the Meetinghouse or virtually on Zoom. Our technology allows those in the Meetinghouse  to see and hear those participating on Zoom and vice versa.

On 4th Sundays on an interim basis, we will have two simultaneous meetings for worship—one in the Meetinghouse with only microphones and a speaker for amplification and a hybrid meeting in the Parlor and on Open Zoom. Contact Erin Bumgarner / Betsy Roper at ministry@fmcquaker.org.

On-site worship

In the Meetinghouse, there are two sections for seating–one for those wearing masks and one for those without masks.  Please observe the Updated Guidelines for Masking

Those on site  outside the meetinghouse may join the Zoom meeting on their cell phones using ear buds or borrow a hearing assist device so that they can hear vocal ministry effectively.

Hearing assist devices are available to borrow for additional amplification in the Meetinghouse.  Also, some choose to use their phone with earbuds to accomplish amplification.

Friends are encouraged to arrive at the Meetinghouse ready to settle into worship by 10:30am. Latecomers will be able to take a seat until 10:35am. After that, you will be asked to go to the balcony to worship or wait in the foyer, or under the portico, until 10:45am and enter as a group, sitting in the benches nearest the door.

Virtual worship

To participate via Zoom click this button:

Or open a Zoom app and enter the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861 and Passcode: 1652. To attend by phone dial 1-646-558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID: 783 475 1861. No passcode is required.