Dear FMC Community,
The Facilities Reopening Group at Friends Meeting at Cambridge (FMC) has developed a survey (see link below) as a first step to explore our community’s thoughts about optional masking. The survey will not be used as the sole basis in FMC’s discernment or decision-making process. There will be further opportunities to discuss and engage in discernment starting with a community conversation in September.
The purpose of this survey is to encourage all those participating in FMC Worship either on zoom or at the Meetinghouse, as well as those who have not participated in worship over the past few months/years, to share their thoughts on whether FMC should make masks optional during worship in the Meetinghouse or to continue masking requirements. We need your input as FMC tries to be responsive to the ebbs and flows of the COVID virus and to the varying perspectives about the level of exposure risk to the virus when attending Meeting for Worship in the Meetinghouse. We need your input as FMC tries to be respectful of those who feel strongly that the community should continue requiring masks and of those who would like the option of not wearing a mask when they attend Meeting for Worship.
Please click here to complete the survey. If you have any problems completing the survey please contact Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this important issue.