Opening Reception for Winter Potluck Art Show
Friends Room 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead more about the exhibit here. We will have refreshments and exhibitors will be available to talk about their work. The
Read more about the exhibit here. We will have refreshments and exhibitors will be available to talk about their work. The
Prison Fellowship (Zoom) Those currently involved in prison work and criminal justice reform and those who are interested in learning more
The New Story Group (Zoom) The FMC New Story meets on Zoom from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the fourth Monday of
Climate Action Meeting (Open Zoom) Please drop-in occasionally or join our group regularly each 4th Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 pm, followed by
FMC Staff Holiday (Office Closed) For facilities emergencies, please email . For scheduling issues, please email
Look for the signup poster in the Friends Room or sign up online by clicking the button below. Tell us how
SciFi-Fantasy Reading Aloud (Zoom) Did you know ... some Quakers love science fiction and fantasy? Did you know reading aloud is fun
WORSHIP CENTERED DISCUSSION (Parlor / Zoom) Click here to see forum titles. Participants will have the option to meet in the Parlor
Our theme this month is "Count Your Blessings: Name Them One By One." We'll be hearing the story Ozkar and the
Fellowship with Refreshments (On Site) Stay and enjoy simple refreshments and conversation either in the Friends Room or Library (mask optional)
Afterthoughts (Parlor/Zoom) Afterthoughts is a time for sharing after Meeting for Worship. You may wish to share a ministry that did
We are a read-aloud and discussion “small group” about the practice of Quaker eldering that typically meets on 1st and 3rd
WORSHIP CENTERED DISCUSSION (Parlor / Zoom) Click here to see forum titles. Participants will have the option to meet in the Parlor
Fellowship with Refreshments (On Site) Stay and enjoy simple refreshments and conversation either in the Friends Room or Library (mask optional)
Afterthoughts (Parlor/Zoom) Afterthoughts is a time for sharing after Meeting for Worship. You may wish to share a ministry that did
Simple Lunch (On Site). You are invited to a simple lunch! A $6-7 donation is requested to cover the cost of
Newcomers & Seekers (Open Zoom) Join us for an evening virtual gathering with long-time Friends from our community as well as others
Due to illness the cookie making extravaganza is cancelled.
SciFi-Fantasy Reading Aloud (Zoom) Did you know ... some Quakers love science fiction and fantasy? Did you know reading aloud is fun
Rehearsal for Pageant Musicians (Committee Room). If you'd like to be part of the Pageant Pickup Band (all instruments welcome), contact
WORSHIP CENTERED DISCUSSION (Parlor / Zoom) Click here to see forum titles. Participants will have the option to meet in the Parlor