Summer Potluck Art Show Submission Deadline Sunday, June 30, 2024, by 1:00pm

The theme for this summer’s July/August art potluck show is “Resilience & New Beginnings”. The theme does not have to be taken literally but can serve as a starting point or a springboard. For some, artistic expression itself is connected to resilience. You might consider that aspect for either yourself or for the Meeting community as a whole. The Blue Sky Group has been helping us explore new beginnings so that might serve as a source of inspiration. Again, consider if you are led down a personal or group road. We recently had a State of Society montage, maybe you would like to expand on what inspired you.

You can drop your artwork off in the FMC Office on Sundays through June 30. Please put your art on or near the designated chair so it doesn’t get misplaced. If you wish to drop off your artwork at another time, please call Amy Mercure at 617-876-6883 to arrange a time for drop off when the Friends Center and FMC Office will be open.

All artwork is limited to about 2 pieces each and should be ready to hang. The show is sponsored by the Exhibits Committee and open to any member of the Meeting community.

Please feel free to contact George Campbell, Mary Coelho, Marion Foster, Kent Lydecker, Sara Sue Pennell, Brian Stevens, or Richard Wood with any questions that you might have or email