January 2019


January Minutes & Reports Due, Monday, January 7, 2018

January Business Meeting, 1:15pm, January 13, 2018

February Newsletter Due, Monday, January 21, 2018

Announcement Sheet Due, Mondays at midnight

At the Well

In December, Lorena Boswell, Minga Claggett-Borne, Yani Zamora participated in At the Well in Stonypoint NY. They asked to share the epistle about the event with you all.

Lorena Boswell

With gratitude,

Give over thine own willing, give over thine own running, give over thine own desiring to know or be anything, and sink down to the seed which God [Spirit] sows in thy heart and let that be in thee, and grow in thee, and breathe in thee, and act in thee, and thou shalt find by sweet experience that the Lord [Spirit] knows that and loves that and owns that, and will lead it to the inheritance of life, which is his [their] own portion. – Isaac Pennington

Recent FMC Events

Gift Wrapping Workshop

gift wrapping

On the afternoon of December 8, Nancy Hewitt, clerk of the Gardening Committee, led a cozy group in a wrapping and bow-making workshop for the holidays.


Personal News

Lydia O’Connor left Newton for San Diego on a cross-country move on 1 December.
She arrived in California on 10 December. Lydia will be working in her aunt’s accounting business and looking for opportunities in Marine Science. Contact Betsy Hewitt for Lydia’s address.

Ronney O’Connor, who is in his second year at Newbury College in Brookline studying Sports Management & playing baseball at Newbury College, just announced that his college will be closing after this year’s spring semester.

Special Events

Our Community

Here are some of the regularly occurring events that strengthen the bonds of the FMC community. You are invited to explore any of these activities that interest you.


Meetings for Worship. Aside from 10:30-11:30 am Sunday morning worship in the Meetinghouse, FMC offers two other meetings for worship: Wednesdays from 8:30-10:00 am (come for whatever portion you are able), and Sundays from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm. Both take place in the Parlor and are generally small (usually under 15 people). Refreshments are provided after both Sunday meetings for worship. Most Sunday afternoons there is a potluck or simple lunch (a donation of up to $5 is requested).

Meeting for Worship near Raytheon in Cambridge, MA meets on third Sundays from 10:45-11:45 am Carpools leave FMC at 10:30 am. We gather in front of Raytheon (the nation’s and world’s fourth largest defense contractor and the leading manufacturer of guided missiles) on Concord Avenue, Cambridge (intersection at 10 Moulton Street). Parking can be found on Street, two blocks from Raytheon. Contact John Bach at bolder@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 20.


Adoracion Compartida en Español meets 4th Mondays from 6:00-8:00 pm. Please join in this opportunity to worship share together and to practice Spanish. People with a basic understanding of the Spanish language will get the most out of this. If you are interested in receiving written information ahead of time in Spanish, please contact Yanire Zamora at adoracion@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 28.

Te invitamos a participar en la Adoracion Compartida en Espanol. Es necesario una comprension basica del idioma y las ganas de practicar poco a poco. Si estas interesado en recibir informacion por escrito para prepararte antes de venir por favor comunicate con Yanire Zamora adoracion@fmcquaker.org.

Artists and Writers meets second Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 pm. This group gathers monthly for mutual support in our respective artistic endeavors. We share, discuss and respond to each other’s work, and often touch on ways that creative work draws us deeper into the experience of life. Contact George Campbell at artists@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 9.

New Story Group meets monthly on fourth Mondays from 7:00-9:00 pm with a brown bag supper at 6:30 pm. We are an interfaith group working to understand the emerging cultural narrative sourced in science and in spiritual traditions. We seek wisdom to respond to the crises of our time. Contact Cornelia Parkes at new-story@fmcquaker.org. The Next meeting is January 28.

Prayer Circle meets fourth Sundays from 12:30-1:15 pm. What happens after you put a request in the “Prayers and Praise” box? A small group meets on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Selleck Room to hold these requests in the Light. We welcome anyone who is in need of prayers or who is moved to pray for others. Contact Cornelia Parkes at prayers@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 27.

Prison Fellowship meets fourth Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm, preceded by a 6:00 pm potluck. We gather each month to share our experiences of working as volunteers or teachers in prisons, visiting prisoners, driving relatives on visits, facilitating a Sharing Circle with former prisoners, organizing a Bail and Legal Defense Fund, sponsoring events for FMC to increase awareness about criminal justice system issues, and learning more about building a community to welcome returning citizens and decrease the rate of incarceration and re-incarceration. Contact Michael Carey at prisons@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 22.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Read Aloud Book Group meets offsite 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 6:00-9:00 pm. Join us to read aloud, discuss, and enjoy science fiction and fantasy short stories and novels! Bring a sf/f story to read or just come and listen; bring a munchie to share, or just share in what’s there. The location is variable and may be one of our homes. Familiars/daemons/sprites optional. Sponsored by Fellowship & Outreach Committee. For more information, or to join the email list for date and location announcements, contact Betsy Roper / Jonathan Katz / Jonathan Gilbert at scififantasy@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 12.

Simple Lunch Group. This group prepares and serves a Simple Lunch on Sundays when there is no potluck and no food provided for an afternoon event and oversees the cleanup. Volunteer cooks prepare vegan soup, salad and hummus. Some cooking is done at FMC and some is done in volunteer homes. More volunteers are needed. Contact David Myers at lunch@fmcquaker.org. The next simple lunches are January 6 and 27.

Stone of Hope Drumming meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm. Touching Inner Spirit with a Beat weekly sessions led by Toussaint Liberator are brought to you by Stone of Hope Ministries (under the care of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting) and Gatorwood Upreach with co-sponsorship by FMC’s Peace and Social Concerns and Friends for Racial Justice Committees. Along with drumming lessons and practice, there will be time for conversation on many topics, including racism. Bring your drum if you have one. If not, we have drums available to borrow. A donation of $10-$20 to support the ministry is requested but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. There are many ways to contribute other than financially. Contact Gail Rogers at stone-of-hope@fmcquaker.org. The next session is January 3.

Sanctuary. Over 40 individuals from FMC now help with the work of the Cambridge Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition. Many do 4-hour-long shifts accompanying the family in sanctuary at University Lutheran Church. Others attend hearings and protests advocating for change in the immigration law and in particular the prosecution of immigration law by the current administration. Still others help the family in sanctuary by purchasing and delivering food items, help with child outings, and plan holiday festivities. The FMC Sanctuary Group meets occasionally to learn and share and support each other in this work. Contact Susan Davies and Minga Claggett-Borne at sanctuary@fmcquaker.org for more details. There is no meeting scheduled at this time.

Worship Sharing on Aging meets second Wednesdays from 10:45 am-12:00 pm except during July & August. All who regard themselves as elders, seniors or old Friends are welcome to attend this small group meeting. We will be worship sharing on the topic(s) of aging. Tea and cookies provided. Contact Kitty Rush at aging@fmcquaker.org. The next meeting is January 9.

Young Adult Friends (18 – 35ish) meets fourth Sundays at 6:15 pm Friends between 18 and 35(ish) years old are welcome for our monthly potluck. You are welcome whether or not you are able to bring a dish. This group also organizes other ad hoc activities. We maintain a listserv to communicate with each other. Contact Miranda Henne at yafcoordinator@fmcquaker.org for more details. The next meeting is January 27.


Our Life is Love

life love readings

Please join us for forum every fourth Sunday, when we will explore the Quaker Spiritual Journey through Marcelle Martin’s book, Our Life is Love. One Sunday a month, for ten months, we will take up one of the ten elements of this journey we’re on together by sharing our stories with each other and responding to the queries that Marcelle raises up. This is an opportunity to deepen our connections to one another and to our Quaker heritage.

What is the book about? Marcelle Martin uses the words of many early Friends and contemporary Friends to explore each of ten elements of the Quaker Spiritual Journey. Each section ends with a set of queries that we can use to explore our own experiences. She also shares the ways in which she has experienced these elements in her own life.

Do I have to read the book? No! The queries that we’ll be exploring in each forum are evocative on their own, and the lives of our fellow community members are fascinating. All are welcome – whether or not you’ve done your “homework.”

Can I drop in, or do I have to commit to the whole series? Please come to as many forums in this series as you are able to. While we hope that the experience has a cumulative effect, each forum should be able to stand on its own as a time of powerful sharing.

How can I get a book? You have two choices:

  1. Order a hard cover, paperback, or eBook from Inner Light Books. A paperback is $17.50 plus shipping and handling.
  2. Borrow a book from the Meeting library. There are at least two to lend.

What are the dates and topics for the whole series so I can mark them on my calendar? I’m so glad you asked!

  • 9/30: Longing
  • 10/28: Seeking
  • 11/25: Turning Within
  • 12/23: Openings
  • 1/27: The Refiner’s Fire
  • 2/24: Community
  • 3/24: Leadings
  • 4/28: The Cross
  • 5/26: Abiding
  • 6/23: Perfection

Job Opennings

Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting Childcare Provider

Seeking an individual to team with our current childcare provider to care for the Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting’s children age’s infants to 4 years during Meeting for Worship from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. After Meeting for Worship, Childcare duties include caring and organizing activities for the older children ages 5 years to teenage years as well as caring for the younger children.

Hours: Sundays

  • 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, 9:45 am-1:00 pm
  • 2nd Sunday of each month, 9:45-11:45 a.m.
  • 4th and 5th Sunday of each month, 9:45-11:15 a.m.


  • Mature, responsible person, at least age 18 yrs. of age.
  • Experience caring for and interacting with multiple children of ages from infants to teens.
  • Able to engender values of respect, equality, justice, and peace in interactions with all.
  • Work as a team with other childcare provider.

Competitive salary
For more information contact: Cathryn Oliva-Simmons, catosim@gmail.com, 617-233-0208 call or text

Resident Director Temenos Retreat Center

The Retreat Center is a rustic, remote, year round retreat center in Shutesbury, MA located in a large, protected forest environment. If you are interested in Temenos or the position, please check out the website, where you can find out how to apply for the position

quaker service logo

Quaker Cottage in Belfast, Ireland

Young volunteers (minimum age 21) able to commit to a full year of service are encouraged to apply. Having a valid driver’s license for 2+ years is an asset, and a willingness to learn how to drive a minibus. Accommodation is provided, and a small stipend for food. Learn more at: www.quakerservice.com.

Quaker World

Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS)

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